This evening the wife and i went for a walk on the beach, something that never fails to make me feel small and insignificant. I stand on the edge of this huge Island called Australia looking out to the curve of the horizon. This is a small planet, floating in its own blue atmosphere, floating in our tiny galaxie, in its own little solar system, in its slightly larger section of the unmeasurable universe.
We are as tiny, even tinier than a fine grain of sand in the universe, we are, essentialy, nothing. A speedy blip on the radar of the cosmos.
YET, we humans think we are oh so important. So vital, so unique. BUT IT GETS WORSE, Christianity, especially the nothing JW movement would have us believe that the very soveriengty of the creator of this endless universe depends on US. The very arrogance of such an idea makes me spit.
I seem to have a bit more liking for the belief systems that link us as a life force or some vague thing to the cosmas than christianity,judaism, islam or anything remotley connected to Abraham.